BFA #007 | Just Figure It Out

Establish yourself as the go-to for all things fraudulent from the get-go.

What's happening Fraud Fighters?

Did you miss me? We're back and ready to take on the world of scams and shams. Last week, we gave you the lowdown on how to dip your toes into the murky fraud waters, but today we're taking it up a notch.

It's time to establish yourself as the go-to for all things fraudulent. We're talking about being the fraud fighting expert from the get-go,

Read Time: ~4.5 Minutes

Day 1

You've got your brand spanking new computer and a fresh cup of coffee, ready to tackle the day. But let's get real, this ain't no ordinary day.. You have no routine. No expectations. It's time to onboard into your new role.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to keep the customers safe and make life easier for your team.

No biggie, right?

But before you can start fighting fraud, you've gotta learn the ropes. And guess what?

You're probably gonna have to figure it out on your own because, let's face it, most fraud fighters are thrown into the deep end without a lifeguard in sight. (this is a rant for another day)

There may not be anyone to teach you. There may not be anyone to hold you accountable on exactly how you should onboard.

You're in charge.

It's overwhelming but start here with these questions:

  • What info do you need access to?

  • Who are you peers horizontally?

  • How's the organization operate and communicate?

  • What info will you need to provide people?

  • Are there any easy wins that stand out?

  • What other key questions come to mind?

Day 7

Well, well, well, look who's still standing after a week of hardcore information overload!

You may have stumbled out of the gate, but now you're starting to hit your stride. Your questions are getting sharper, your brain is firing on all cylinders, and you're developing your own perspective.

  • What are the goals of other teams?

  • What are the overall goals of the company?

  • What do you agree with?

  • What do you disagree with?

  • How can you align fraud goals with others?

You weren't hired to keep things the same. Your fresh eyes are here to challenge status quo and find ways to do things better.

If you see something that can be done better, you speak your mind. If you know there's a way to improve a process, you make it happen. Because that's what you do. You don't settle for mediocre. You don't accept the same old, same old. You strive for excellence, and you make it happen.

Day 14

It's time to start establishing yourself as the fraud expert. You're not just the expert. You're the fraud leader.

So whether you're starting a conversation, joining a meeting, or hopping on a Slack channel, you better act like you're the one in charge. Because when you operate with that kind of confidence, you behave differently. People sit up and take notice, they listen to what you have to say, and they respect your authority. That's just how it goes.

And let's face it, that kind of mentality is rare. But you, my friend, are no ordinary fraud fighter. You're a leader, a trailblazer, a force to be reckoned with. Your job is to ask the tough questions, facilitate those conversations, and make sure everyone is on the same page.

Most people are afraid to ask questions. They are afraid of how people will view them by asking "dumb" questions. Don't hold yourself back. These questions are crucial to gaining the right information to create your fraud strategy.

You've been soaking up all that knowledge like a sponge, and now it's time to put your own unique spin on things. We're talking about taking all that information and injecting it with a healthy dose of your perspective.

So don't be shy, don't hold back. Make recommendations, share your ideas, and let your creativity shine through. Because at the end of the day, that's what sets you apart from the rest of the crowd. Your ability to take what you've learned and turn it into something truly unique.

Day 28

You've hit your stride and things are starting to feel pretty darn good. Instead of going through the motions and ticking off that to-do list, you're flowing. And you know what that means? It's time to start making some real decisions and, yeah, maybe even a few mistakes.

Prioritize the things that need to be done first, figure out which actions need to be kicked to the curb (or at least revisited later), and look for any brand-new challenges that require some creative problem-solving.

And don't forget about the people, either. Who's gonna be affected by all this change, and how can you help them through it? Because when you've got a killer fraud strategy and you're going to need help to deliver on it.

Day 30+

The education tour is about to kick off. We all know that different teams have different perspectives when it comes to fraud and the various risks that crop up throughout the customer journey. And while we may know that not all risks are created equal, our colleagues might not be so savvy.

So, it's time to share your journey, my friends. Think about the path you took to get where you are today. You didn't just magically become a fraud-fighting wizard overnight, did you? Nope, you took a series of steps, and each one of those steps has real value. So break 'em down, simplify 'em, and share your unique selling point with the world.

But don't forget about those pesky stakeholders and their assumptions. They've got biases, they've got familiar ways of thinking, and it's up to you to meet them where they are. Because let's face it: the status quo just ain't gonna cut it anymore. This is a whole new ballgame, and it requires some bold new decisions.

Sure, not everything's gonna go smoothly. You might get some pushback, but hey, that's just feedback, baby. Use it to build better processes and strategies, and get more people involved in aligning those goals. We started this journey way back in week 2, and I know it feels like a million years ago

Proud Milestone

Honestly felt like a proud dad last week. After months of hard work, we officially launched Dodgeball - fraud stack as a service. It was a bit of a surreal moment officially opening the doors. It was exciting and was nerve wracking all at the same time. I know I don't talk too much about my role at Dodgeball too much, but it is where I spend the majority of my energy and time. This was a big moment for me (and the rest of the team).

The hard work is done, but it also just started.

Should I give a glimpse into what's gone into building and launching a fraud fighting company?

See you again next Friday in your inbox.



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